Sexual Health
No. Means. No.
Consent for any sexual activity must be freely given and can be retracted at any time. Consent is not valid if the person is intoxicated, unconscious, feels pressured, or is forced.
Silence is not consent.
Sexual Health Hub from
Check out the Health Hub at for more information about Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV, PrEP, Sexual Wellness, and Trans Health.
STI’s – Sexually Transmitted Infections
There are many types of STI’s. Commonly bacteria, viral, and parasitic.
It is important to get tested regularly as some STI’s may show no symptoms. If left untreated, STI’s may lead to other health complications such as infertility, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, urinary tract complications, cervical cancer, penile cancer, organ damage, psychological stress, serious illness or death.
Below are charts which lay out different STI’s. These are not complete, and are for educational purposes only. For more information check out the STI Booklet from Public Health Agency of Canada or check their website.
Even if treated and cured, the body does not obtain immunity, meaning people can get them again. Therefore, practicing safer sex is important through all stages of life.
Click here to find out where to get tested.